Copyright Policy

WhereToWatchMovies is committed to upholding the rights of all parties involved and anticipates that our users will adhere to the same principles. By the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), if WhereToWatchMovies identifies any content within its website or browser extension that is being displayed or distributed without proper authorization from the copyright holder, WhereToWatchMovies will take appropriate actions to remove such content. You may lodge a DMCA copyright notice with WhereToWatchMovies by forwarding the following details to :

  1. The physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner.
  2. Sufficient information to pinpoint the original copyrighted work.
  3. Adequate details to identify the specific content on our website or extension that you assert infringes upon the copyrighted material. This should encompass its precise location on our website or extension.
  4. Your contact particulars encompass your name, address, telephone number, and email address.
  5. A declaration affirming your good faith belief that WhereToWatchMovies's utilization of the copyrighted materials lacks authorization from the copyright owner, its representative, or the law.
  6. A statement made under the risk of perjury attests to the accuracy of all the information within your notice. It confirms that you are either the copyright owner or possess the authority to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

WhereToWatchMovies will promptly address all DMCA notifications submitted to us. Please note that any omission of the requested information may delay processing.